Café of Life

A space for Health, Healing & Happiness!



Warm, Real Human Being Medley – A nurturing environment that welcomes you with an open heart.
Stress Free Soup – A delightful light mixture of professional and personal interaction.

Sensitive, Respectful and Honoring Mixed Greens – A Skilled, Efficient Evaluation and Analysis of your spine and nerve system.
Fiesta Salad – A tossed salad of life, with just the right amount of challenges, lessons and LIFE in order to grow and prosper!

Skilled Touch Penne – A delicate blend of precise structural and meningeal adjustments. Delivered with loving skilled hands.
Life and Wellness Fillet – A Large Serving of health and healing, without the focus on sickness and disease.


Sweet Bank Account Pudding – Splendidly prepared quality care that you and your family can afford to indulge in on a regular basis.
Diversity Mousse with Community Sauce – Serving all people: athletes, families, children, newborns and pregnant couples. Truly a delight for all.
Entertaining Nightcap – Knowledge about life, health, healing and wellness delivered with passion and charisma.